Christmas Lights
Photo by Mei |
Christmas comes, Christmas stays
This season and everyday.
In the darkness of night,
Rising star guides the way
To the place where peace is,
In our hearts on this very day.
At the break of dawn,
Radiant sun reigns the day
Divine Light, Eternal Truth,
Giver of life, justice shines.
O Love unbounded, blesses us all
An encounter with the Light
As we walk in this life,
Journeying home back to You.
Christmas comes and Christmas stays.
Writer's Notes
The above set of verses was written with inspirations from the Christmas video message from Father Rothan, pastor of St. Joan of Arc Catholic Church in Hershey, the front page article “Christmas Lights Reflect Truth that Christ is Light of World, Pope Says” by Cindy Wooden of Catholic New Services found on The Catholic Witness December 20, 2013 Volume 45, Number 25 and the homily of Pope Francis on the Solemnity of the Nativity of the Lord at the Midnight Mass (24 December 2013).
While its first draft was completed on the Feast of the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph, the final draft was later edited for posting on the Solemnity of the Epiphany of the Lord.
Pictured is Mei’s very own decorated tabletop Christmas tree. The photo was edited using Google+ photo.